Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ready for this weekend...

I have been informed that I need to start my blogs with something other than here it goes (mom)...Sitting at home with Caiden has its good days and bad days. Don't get me wrong, I love being able to stay at home and raise our son, but geez, this weather is horrible...please let it get warmer so little man can go outside and burn off some energy. In my last post I said that we were going to the Women's show but it is not this weekend. So change of plans. Since Jason will be sanding the glue off the wall I can not be here, something with the particles in the glue is not good so Caiden and I will be in Stillwater with mom and Grandma. I don't know if it will be tomorrow or Saturday, but luckily it will be in the 70's woo hoo. I am really tired of looking at the dried brown glue on the wall but that's what doing this stuff on your own comes with. We want to put a privacy fence up but the question is when. Will it be this spring or next? Jason is such a good sport about this home renovation stuff. I watch HGTV most of the day and then tell him what I want to do. Poor guy. I have a lot of gardening to do this Spring...and I am looking for all of the help I can get (wink wink). I believe there are 8 flowerbeds, maybe more. I just hope I can get up after I bend down. I am ready for Spring...It reminds me of my favorite biblical hymn the Hymn of Promise. Unrevealed until it's season something God alone can see. Well laundry is calling and I am procrastinating on getting it done, so I must go. Hope everyone is well, please keep in touch!