Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Caiden is 2 !!!

Caiden turned 2 on Sunday. What a bittersweet day. Who knew that the little guy that only weighed 5lbs 10oz would grow up to be such an independent little man. We had a small birthday with just grandparents and great grand parents at Grandma Martin's house. It was in Thomas the Train theme. Complete with a train balloon and cake. That morning he decided to pick his own shoes out and it was a pair that is a little too big, but it had a firetruck on it and he wanted to wear them really bad (not to mention when he says PLLLLEEEEAAASSSEEE, its just too cute to resist) so he got to wear them. He was really excited to open presents, except the one from Nanny and Paw Pa, because it was just cloths, and he let it be known he didn't need any cloths. But he had a good time, so that's all that matters. Jason is working 12 hours a day for 6 days so not a lot has gotten done on the living room. I am the one having a hard time be patience. I don't think I was born with any. We have found out we are having another boy and I have to have another c-section so it will be a week before my due date. We decided on Cameron Lee. Everything is going a lot smoother this time. My blood pressure is good, and I haven't gain near as much weight as I did with Caiden. Caiden now goes to a playgroup "daycare" during the day for a couple of hours. He likes playing and it is helping with potty training. It is expensive but it is helping him learn new things so anything to help my little man. I miss and love you all. Keep in touch Marty