Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Caiden is 2 !!!

Caiden turned 2 on Sunday. What a bittersweet day. Who knew that the little guy that only weighed 5lbs 10oz would grow up to be such an independent little man. We had a small birthday with just grandparents and great grand parents at Grandma Martin's house. It was in Thomas the Train theme. Complete with a train balloon and cake. That morning he decided to pick his own shoes out and it was a pair that is a little too big, but it had a firetruck on it and he wanted to wear them really bad (not to mention when he says PLLLLEEEEAAASSSEEE, its just too cute to resist) so he got to wear them. He was really excited to open presents, except the one from Nanny and Paw Pa, because it was just cloths, and he let it be known he didn't need any cloths. But he had a good time, so that's all that matters. Jason is working 12 hours a day for 6 days so not a lot has gotten done on the living room. I am the one having a hard time be patience. I don't think I was born with any. We have found out we are having another boy and I have to have another c-section so it will be a week before my due date. We decided on Cameron Lee. Everything is going a lot smoother this time. My blood pressure is good, and I haven't gain near as much weight as I did with Caiden. Caiden now goes to a playgroup "daycare" during the day for a couple of hours. He likes playing and it is helping with potty training. It is expensive but it is helping him learn new things so anything to help my little man. I miss and love you all. Keep in touch Marty

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ready for this weekend...

I have been informed that I need to start my blogs with something other than well...so... here it goes (mom)...Sitting at home with Caiden has its good days and bad days. Don't get me wrong, I love being able to stay at home and raise our son, but geez, this weather is horrible...please let it get warmer so little man can go outside and burn off some energy. In my last post I said that we were going to the Women's show but it is not this weekend. So change of plans. Since Jason will be sanding the glue off the wall I can not be here, something with the particles in the glue is not good so Caiden and I will be in Stillwater with mom and Grandma. I don't know if it will be tomorrow or Saturday, but luckily it will be in the 70's woo hoo. I am really tired of looking at the dried brown glue on the wall but that's what doing this stuff on your own comes with. We want to put a privacy fence up but the question is when. Will it be this spring or next? Jason is such a good sport about this home renovation stuff. I watch HGTV most of the day and then tell him what I want to do. Poor guy. I have a lot of gardening to do this Spring...and I am looking for all of the help I can get (wink wink). I believe there are 8 flowerbeds, maybe more. I just hope I can get up after I bend down. I am ready for Spring...It reminds me of my favorite biblical hymn the Hymn of Promise. Unrevealed until it's season something God alone can see. Well laundry is calling and I am procrastinating on getting it done, so I must go. Hope everyone is well, please keep in touch!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday

Well yesterday was spend at Jason's parents, as we do most Sundays. Caiden got an early birthday present, which was a John Deer Lawn mower with a wagon that he can pull. He loves riding it. We spent watching the Super Bowl as I imagine most did, eating junk food and looking forward to the commericals. This weeks looks as though it will be unexciting. Friday, Mom, Caiden, Grandma, and I will be going to the Women's Expo. Highlight of my week. We may have a paneling party so if you guys feel up to sanding, mudding and ripping down paneling let me know, we will have a spot for you. Jason said he will provide the beer. I will try to add an image of us Saturday night. Love you all.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Paneling kicked my butt

Well we got started on the paneling last night, and needless to say, it is a BIG job. However, our motto is take it one day at a time (and paycheck). Caiden stayed the night with his Nanny and Paw Paw. That's one of his favorite places to be and I'm pretty sure that they love having him just as much. We took pictures of the fun last night, that I will soon post. I just have to get my energy back. The super bowl is tonight. I mainly watch it for the commercials. I have such fun memories of sitting on my dad's lap and eating peanuts while watching it (mostly getting my shells on the floor). Roxy got up this morning and had one of her usual weekly seizures. They do not hurt her but put her down for a little bit. Ruger and Sadie are goofy. They do not like change and whined the entire time we painted and tore down paneling. Well all, off to get the munchkin and to get ready for the game.