Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spring time...

Finally! It's here Spring. We have not accomplished much on the living room, other than tearing down some more paneling. We are suppose to be getting some help tomorrow night, which we really need. Jason has been working in the front yard, putting in mulch, and solar lights, and seeding the yard. It looks good. My contribution was two hanging plants that look really cute, but unfortunately I have some house finches that think it is their home so I now have two new visitors. Yesterday they laid 1 blue egg. I failed my glucose test two weeks ago and then I had to take a 3 hour test and passed that one (I did the same thing with Caiden). I looks like I will have a c-section on June 23, but it is not set in stone yet. I go back to the Dr. April 10th. For Easter we will be at the lake, hunting eggs. Jason and I still hunt eggs, luckily Uncle Larry, mom and grandma still fill eggs for us. I always look forward to this. Bryce's room still needs to be painted and organized. I still need a few things, but I will get it soon. Caiden now is saying Bryce's name and is starting to realize that he will be a big brother. I miss and love you guys!
